Welcome to my Damien Rice Web Page. hi, im hannah. pleased to meet you. i first heard damien when i was up late probably in a daydream with vh1 on in the background. suddenly, volcano comes on, and i couldnt believe the glorious sounds i was hearing. by the time the video finished, i was in tears. cant get more beautiful than that. then went to the v festival in 2003 and found myself at the front for damiens set and was absolutely blown away. i couldnt fathom his performance, and as for the support from the band...it was sheer brilliance. i bought O within days, and remain a dedicated fan. as well as damien rice i love many other bands such as (cue long list of bands...) snow patrol, idlewild, keane, travis, the stills, the tenderfoot, electric soft parade, franz ferdinand, belle and sebastian, the smiths...ahhh, the list is pretty much endless so ill stop. music is love and life. indulge. thanks must go to damien for his music and his mind. and thank you to you for exploring his talents. xx [any comments, do send to starfightor_pilot@damienrice.co.uk]